25/10 Crowdsourcing

Rapidly generate and sift a group’s most powerful actionable ideas

A tool to support 25/10 Crowdsourcing virtually by David Heath.

You can run your own installation for free on Heroku by clicking this button: Deploy

What is 25/10 Crowdsourcing?

25/10 Crowdsourcing is way for a group to generate and prioritise ideas quickly. It's part of the Liberating Structures repertoire.

You start by presenting a challenge to a group and then inviting each person to come up with one bold idea to address it. Each person writes their idea on a card and the ideas are then scored anonymously five times by five different people. At the end of the process the scores are totalled and the top scoring ideas surfaced through a reverse-auction (full description of 25/10 Crowdsourcing).

Doing this process online is tricky, as it's hard to shuffle the ideas and also hard to anonymise the scoring process. This app is designed to help with that!

How it works

To use this tool you need a group of people dialled into a call at the same time, as you'll need to tell people when it's time to start voting and to move from one round of voting to the next.

  1. Register as an administrator (see below)
  2. Create your challenge
  3. Invite participants to propose their solutions, by sharing the unique challenge URL with them
  4. Wait for all particpants to register and submit their proposals (you'll need to refresh your admin screen to see the numbers change). Once all proposals have been received, you can Open voting. Once voting is open, no new participants can join.
  5. When voting is open, participants must click to see their first idea to vote on. As the administrator you'll see how many votes have been cast. When you are happy that all votes are cast, you can advance to the next round. If you're doing the activity via video call, you may want to play some music and invite participants to move around to the music for a short while.
  6. Repeat until all five rounds are complete. You can then close the voting.
  7. When voting is closed everyone can see the summary. Votes are totalled automatically. If votes were missing for some ideas, then a score out of 25 is extrapolated from the votes that were cast by taking the average score and multiplying by 5.
  8. That's it!

All voting and administration is anonymous. Your identity and that of participants is tracked using a browser cookie _twentyfiveten_session. Participants can only participate in one challenge at a time.

If you find this useful, buy me a coffee.


More in readme

No warranty

This service is a protype and is offered as-is without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantibility or fitness for a particular purpose. Source code is available on github under a GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.


If you have a chance to try this out with a group and collect some feedback, I would love to hear about it. I'm particulary interested in:

  • Participants experience -- could participants understand what to do and how to participate without needing lots of instructions or guidance? Were there things that caused confusion which could be clearer?
  • Administrator's experience -- as an administrator, could you understand how the overall process would work before you started, enough to be confident that you could facilitate the process? Did everything go smoothly? Did you get a useful/practical outcome from your crowdsourcing? Did you play music between each round, if so, how was that? If not, why not? What do you think about the synchronous voting?

You can give me feedback in these ways:

Privacy and data protection

This application will store and process your data, and data submitted by your participants for the purpose of offering you the 25/10 crowdsourcing service. The lawful basis for processing your data is consent.

This application does not explicitly collect any personal data. You and your participants choose what data you submit.

We process and store your data securely in Heroku. Read Heroku's security and privacy policy

Data will be deleted after 30 days.

If you wish to retain your data please copy/paste and save it elsewhere.


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